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Our organization

Our organization

Food Tech Brainport consists of the Food Tech Brainport Foundation and Food Tech Brainport BV. The foundation is 100% shareholder of the BV. Food Tech Brainport has a social function and as a whole no profit motive. The team is ready to connect the food processing industry to technology and knowledge. In this way we contribute to our mission: without waste, healthy food for everyone.

Food Tech Brainport in the picture

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Our team members

Connects the industrie with research & education
Takes care of the finances

Board members

Member supervisory board Food Tech Brainport BV | Manager New Business AAE BV
Member supervisory board Food Tech Brainport BV | Commercial Director Huijbregts Group
Board member Food Tech Brainport Foundation | Chairman of the board of HAS University
Member of the board Food Tech Brainport Foundation | Director Van Rijsingen Green
Advisor supervisory board Food Tech Brainport BV | Chairman of the Board Banking for Food Rabobank East-Brabant

Get in contact

Working together on the food industry of tomorrow? We are happy to think along with your challenge, idea or concept and welcome you as a partner.

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