Without waste, healthy food for everyone

With our network of technology providers, food processing companies and knowledge and research institutions, we work on a future proof food industry. We connect the food processing industry to innovative technologies, talent, research and funding.

Our focus areas are:

100% valorization

The food industry is increasingly looking for natural and nutritious raw materials and ingredients. The industry also sees more and more opportunities for specific components that can be obtained from raw materials or side streams. This often concerns temperature-sensitive ingredients that must be handled gently. By mild we mean at relatively low temperatures. This is to preserve taste, vitamins, antioxidants and functionalities.

At Food Tech Brainport we are committed to maximizing the value of vegetable flows, specializing in the use of residual flows. We help to develop ingredients and semi-finished products from these residual flows using innovative technologies. We also like to think along to arrive at a technically and economically feasible business case. Our technologies create a 100% pure and cost-effective natural product from plant-based streams.

Are you a producer or processor in the food industry and do you have to deal with side flows, residual flows or by-products? Or are you looking for specific components from vegetable flows? Then our knowledge, the technologies we offer, and/or our network may offer new market opportunities for you as an entrepreneur.

Projects related to this focus area:

Pilot factory

Biobased Innovations Garden

Paprika Cluster

FOX (Food in a Box)

Food from Food

Success stories related to this focus area:

VanRijsingenGreen: everything is valuable!

VanRijsingenGreen is familiar with the many possibilities of vegetables and is very active in valorizing residual flow with an existing juice factory for carrots. With the available knowledge, the company transforms vegetables into challenging new applications.

BeefyGreen: the tasty, hybrid burger

Beefy Green has developed a hybrid burger based on a residual flow from the oyster mushroom: the foot. The result: a tasty burger!

PeelPioneers: the peel farmer of the future

PeelPioneers successfully converts ‘waste’ into food and feed ingredients and chemical building blocks.

Oatelli: from oat bran to pasta

When processing oat grain into flour, the oat bran, the membrane, is created as a by-product. Oatelli was looking for an application for this by-product, which has a lot to offer.

Verbruggen Paddestoelen (mushrooms): Feet to Food

The Dutch oyster mushroom nursery Verbruggen Paddestoelen BV developed an innovative food ingredient for hybrid products.

Banana Puree Pilot Factory

We want to prevent millions of bananas from being thrown away every year. Central to this success story is the creation of new economic value for a product that until recently was regarded as waste.

Curious to find out what we can do for you? Contact us.

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Handsfree production

Food processing companies today face a number of significant challenges in their business operations. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find motivated production personnel and the price pressure is increasing due to competition. Health and safety and ergonomics also play an important role.

How can you meet these challenges and ensure that your production continues undisturbed and with a constant quality? Robots or flexibly deployable cobots may offer a solution! Within Food Tech Brainport we help companies to set up a future-proof and efficient production process.

Projects related to this focus area:


Success stories related to this focus area:

Bakery Mariën: handsfree producing

Work more efficiently with fewer hands. That was the question that brought the Mariën bakery to us. The solution: a cobot that takes over part of the (heavy) work.

Curious to find our what we can do for you? Contact us.

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Longer shelf life

One third of the total global food production is wasted every year. This takes place in the entire chain and each link is responsible for a part of these numbers. There is therefore an urgent need for technologies that realize a longer shelf life and thus reduce food waste. Due to the mild nature of these technologies, ingredients and components such as vitamins, minerals and nutrients are preserved much better than standard technologies in the market.

Are you a producer or food processor and do you deal with waste flows (on a daily basis) or do you want to extend the shelf life of your product? We like to help you! Our technologies in the mild preservation domain may offer new market opportunities for you as an entrepreneur. Reducing food waste, extending the sales period of your product and increasing your profit.

Projects related to this focus area:

Success stories related to this focus area:

Bite-sized oysters – a solution for consumers

The Yersex oyster grower and trader Adriaan van de Plasse of Delta Ostrea has been breeding consumer-friendly oysters for years.

Lazy Foods: developers of a pure, sustainable and tasty avocado spread

Guacamole. A product that has become very popular in the Netherlands in recent years. The freshest is the most flavorful.

Cooking from scratch in a bottle: Tanya’s Just Real

As a working, busy mom, in 2015, Tanya was looking for a way to serve healthy meals to her family. She developed recipes for healthy sauces with pure ingredients without additions.

BeefyGreen: the tasty, hybrid burger

Beefy Green has developed a hybrid burger based on a residual flow from the oyster mushroom: the foot. The result: a tasty burger!

Curious to find out what we can do for you? Contact us.

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Get in contact

Working together on the food industry of tomorrow? We are happy to think along with your challenge, idea or concept and welcome you as a partner.

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