Masterclass – International Food & Agribusiness

How can innovative technologies contribute to a better food and agricultural system? That’s what we discussed with IFA students from the HAS Green Academy.

Masterclass – International Food & Agribusiness

Students International Food & Agribusiness at the HAS Green Academy are educated with the aim to inspire them to improve and change our global food- and agriculture manufacturing systems. Understanding and appreciating the role technology can play within that field is crucial for these students. It’s why we work together with the HAS Green Academy to offer these students a glimpse into the world of innovative technology.

The 2022 masterclass marked the second anniversary of the a succesful series of guest lectures, which is wrapped up by a research project executed by the students. The 2nd year students start this masterclass, right after their summer holidays, kicking off the new school year.

In their first week back Jos de Boer, director Food Tech Brainport inspired the students about food waste and how important food processing can be to reduce this was. Next up, Frank de Boeff (Bodec) shared his extensive knowledge on introducing new technologies in the food chain. Annelie Verbon (Food Tech Brainport) took another deep dive into food waste and why reduction of food waste can have such a huge impact on the sustainability of the overall supply chain.

Of course, the students also got a chance to visit Food Tech Tech Brainport. Seeing these technologies in real life is always more inspiring and invigorating, than just hearing about their potential.

As usual, the collaboration was closed by a final presentation of infographics, made by the students, on all these new technologies they got to know about. Again, it was a great start of the school year, with a lot of positive feedback. Hopelijk, we’ve inspired yet another generation of students to use innovation and technology to make healthy and sustainable food in their careers.

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