Bite-sized oysters – a solution for consumers

The Yersex oyster grower and trader Adriaan van de Plasse of Delta Ostrea has been breeding consumer-friendly oysters for years.

Bite-sized oysters – a solution for consumers

Wouldn’t it be great if we could offer an oyster ‘bite-ready’ to the consumer? The Yersex oyster grower and trader Adriaan van de Plasse of Delta Ostrea has been breeding consumer-friendly oysters for years. Opening an oyster is often a challenge. Find out how High Pressure Processing (HPP), a technology offered by Pascal Processing at Food Tech Brainport, has helped Delta Ostrea move forward.

The introduction to Food Tech Brainport and its community

Initially, Adriaan van de Plasse came to Food Tech Brainport for the Radio Magnetic Freezing (RMF) technology; an innovative freezing technology that keeps food fresher for longer. Thanks to the short lines within the Food Tech Community, the company was soon linked to Pascal Processing, a Food Tech Brainport partner that offers HPP. Pascal Processing brought HPP, or High Pressure Processing, to the Netherlands in 2011, making it the first and most advanced HPP service provider in Europe.

Oysters in combination with Pascal Processing

Delta Ostrea and Pascal Processing are now working closely together. The treatment with HPP eliminates fungi and bacteria such as listeria, salmonella and E.coli, and the oyster retains its original nutritional values ​​and vitamins. They also have a shelf life of three to five times longer than with traditional preservation techniques. Immediately after treatment, the oysters are kept closed by means of an elastic band, which can be easily removed by the consumer.

Learn more about Delta Ostrea:

Learn more about Pascal Processing:

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