Paprika Cluster

Paprika Cluster

Developing new food applications for residual flow peppers and thereby creating new revenue models. Now unsaleable peppers often end up at cutting plants, animal feed producers or in the compost. This consortium is working together to process paprika by-products into new food ingredients.

About this project

Paprika: a widely grown product in the Netherlands. This entails a large amount of residual flows. Peppers that are not suitable for retail for ethereal reasons. Products that are not suitable for sale, but which are still suitable for other applications. Now they often end up at cutting plants, animal feed producers or compost. That’s a shame! Especially because high-quality processing into food products and supplements is possible. In this project, a number of parties are working together to process paprika by-products into new food ingredients.

The consortium consists of 5 companies: Rainbow Kleinpak (sorter and packer of peppers), Hela Thissen (spice and spice supplier and product of sauces, dressing and curry ketchup), Keep Food Simple (foundation focused on processing unused agricultural raw materials to high-quality foods), Bodec (expert in processing in the food industry) and Food Tech Brainport (facilitator and network party). The Paprika Cluster consists of several phases. In the first (theoretical) part, it was investigated what promising ingredients in paprika and possible applications are. Subsequently, the effect of the use of different technologies on the quality of bell pepper juice was examined in practical terms. Various products have also been developed based on those juices. It has now been investigated which technologies are suitable and which applications are possible, the next step can be taken towards product development. Get more value from residual flows step by step. That is what we are aiming for with the consortium.

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Focus area:

100% valorization

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