Food from Food

Food from Food

The Food from Food project stimulates, supports and accelerates innovations in the agro and food industry in the field of the high-quality use of vegetable by-products.

About this project

Leek green, apples too small to sell, orange peels. Just a few examples of residual flows. But is that the right term? They are products that are still nutritious and full of flavour. The Food from Food project brought entrepreneurs and (research) institutions together in the field of valorizing vegetable by-products. In dozens of projects (‘success stories’), they worked on upgrading vegetable by-products so that they are not lost and still find their way to the market.

Food from Food was a cross-border project of Interreg Flanders-Netherlands. The project ran from January 2017 to December 2020 and has yielded nearly 30 success stories. Within Food from Food, the challenges that participants encounter when they start valorzing residual flows have been identified and addressed.

Food from Food was made possible in part by: the Province of North Brabant, the Province of Limburg, the Province of East Flanders, the Province of Antwerp and the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Stimulating, supporting and accelerating innovation in the agri-food industry in the field of valorization of vegetable by-products into foodstuffs will also be continued after 2020.

Succesverhalen binnen dit project

Involved community members

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Focus area:

Longer shelf life


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Working together on the food industry of tomorrow? We are happy to think along with your challenge, idea or concept and welcome you as a partner.

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