Facilities and technology

Facilities and technology

At Food Tech Brainport, we offer an accessible, practical environment for testing, scaling up and producing food with partners.

With our partners we offer a range of innovative technologies. Together they form a factory for processing (vegetable) flows into semi-finished products and ingredients. Directly to an overview of the technologies? View them on this page.

We offer:

A fysical location for testing and production.

A space to scale up.

Temporary or permanent residency.

A showroom for innovative technologies.


We offer our residents a physical location for office, testing, production and upscaling in a dynamic environment where many disciplines come together. We also offer flexibility in this: both temporary and permanent accommodation is possible. But above all, we offer a showroom for innovative technologies with which we work on our food of today and tomorrow.

Will you become the next Food Tech Brainport resident?


Food Tech Brainport’s partners offer facilities on a laboratory, pilot and production scale. The whole is a factory for processing (vegetable) flows into semi-finished products and ingredients.

The Food Tech Brainport network enables the exchange of knowledge with other top experts, universities, colleges and technology suppliers. In particular, we look at innovative technologies that make a difference in terms of sustainability and health and can often compare them to the industry standard. Companies can go for small tests, but also for full food-grade production runs. Due to the close cooperation with technology partners and education, we can also support your issues with the help of applied research.

Which combination of technologies suits your issue?

Are you a technology provider and do you want to present your technology to a wide audience? We like to think along with you. For more information, please contact us.

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FTB pand