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Inclusive Food Transition by SFI and Utrecht University


2:00 pm


4:00 pm

Inspiration session on inclusive food transition organized by SFI together with Utrecht University.

On Thursday 11 November, the Sustainable Food Initiative, in collaboration with Utrecht University, is organizing an inspiration session on inclusive food transition.

The inspiration session will be a hybrid event. The meeting can be followed online and onsite at the Food Tech Brainport location. In addition to lectures from various experts, visitors will be given a tour to our food processing plant where they can learn about the different technologies we offer together with partners, such as Pulsed Electric Field (PEF), Agitated Thin Film Drying (ATFD) and Radio Magnetic Freezing (RMF), and Pascal Processing’s High Pressure Processing line.

Want to attend the event (online)? Register by sending an email to info@sfifood.nl.


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