De organisatie

Food Tech Brainport consists of the Food Tech Brainport Foundation and Food Tech Brainport BV. The foundation is 100% shareholder of the BV. Food Tech Brainport has a social function and as a whole no profit motive. The team is ready to connect the food processing industry with technology and knowledge to contribute to healthy food without waste, for everyone!

Our team

Takes care of the finances
Connects the industrie with research & education

Board members

Board member Food Tech Brainport Foundation | Chairman of the board of HAS University
Member of the board Food Tech Brainport Foundation | Director Van Rijsingen Green
Advisor supervisory board Food Tech Brainport BV | Chairman of the Board Banking for Food Rabobank East-Brabant
Member supervisory board Food Tech Brainport BV | Manager New Business AAE BV
Member supervisory board Food Tech Brainport BV | Commercial Director Huijbregts Group

Get in contact

Working together on the food industry of tomorrow? We are happy to think along with your challenge, idea or concept and welcome you as a partner.

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