

At home, in the future, that’s Yuverta’s promise.

Yuverta is Europe’s largest vmbo- (high school) and mbo (higher vocational training) educator within the blue-green domain. They educate students at 36 high schools, have 20 locations for higher vocational training and train thousands of professionals every year.

Our society is facing major societal and environmental challenges. Yuverta educates and train their students to help solve and work on, these major challenges. These are challenges closely related to Yuverta’s ‘blue-green’ domain: making agriculture more sustainable, improving biodiversity and nature, animal welfare, sustainable urbanisation, health and lifestyle, improving quality of water and water management, reducing waste, the energy transition and climate.


We collaborate with Yuverta to help students become and remain passionate about working in the food industry. Students get the chance to learn more about our innovative technologies, and get to know the wide range of local food industry businesses.



Cooperation with FTB:

We introduce Yuverta’s students to our innovative technologies to ensure they’re prepared for the future.

Related success stories:

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Working together on the food industry of tomorrow? We are happy to think along with your challenge, idea or concept and welcome you as a partner.

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