Wageningen University and Research

Wageningen Food & Biobased Research develops knowledge and technologies that help companies, governments and other research organizations to find innovative solutions for a healthier, sustainable and prosperous world. Together with customers, Wageningen Food & Biobased Research develops healthy and tasty food, sustainable food chains, and ‘green’ alternatives for products that are currently produced from scarce fossil fuels. They do this through applied research based on their knowledge of the entire chain, from raw material to processing and end product.

The collaboration with Wageningen Food & Biobased Research is very intensive. We work closely with Wageningen Food & Biobased Research within various projects and programs. In particular, how applied (scientific) research and education can be translated to the market. A very valuable partner who contributes to the mission and vision of Food Tech Brainport.

Wageningen University and Research

Cooperation with FTB:

Collaboration within various (European) projects. Food Tech Brainport takes care of the translation to the market based on scientific applied research.

Related success stories:

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Working together on the food industry of tomorrow? We are happy to think along with your challenge, idea or concept and welcome you as a partner.

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