ILVO stands for the Institute for Agricultural, Fisheries and Food Research and is a research institution of the Flemish Government. They conduct multidisciplinary, pioneering and independent (applied) research in the field of sustainable agriculture and fisheries from an economic, ecological and social perspective. Through research they build knowledge that is necessary for:

  • Improvement of products and production methods;
  • Monitoring the quality and safety of end products;
  • Improving policy instruments as a basis for sector development and rural agrarian policy.

ILVO’s mission is clear and urgent. Build knowledge to be able to produce sufficient, healthy and varied food in a socially responsible way for the 10 billion mouths that the world must feed in 2050 within the planetary boundaries.

ILVO and Food Tech Brainport are no strangers to each other. For example, we got to know ILVO well during the cross-border Food from Food project. A project by Interreg Flanders-Netherlands that stimulated, supported and accelerated innovations in the agro-food industry in the field of valorization of vegetable by-products.

From May 2019, the collaboration with ILVO has been intensified. In order to make innovations possible more quickly, they keep an eye on trends and developments within the market for product development and new technologies. In addition, they identify new possible research projects and it is examined how we can support and strengthen each other in this. The challenges we face are not limited to national borders. The collaboration with ILVO is therefore essential for us to guide entrepreneurs in the best possible way with their challenges.


Cooperation with FTB:

We are working closely with ILVO since May 2019. In order to make innovations possible more quickly, they keep an eye on trends and developments within the market for product development and new technologies. They also identify new possible research projects and how we can support and strengthen each other in this regard.

Related success stories:

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