Flanders Make

Flanders Make is the strategic research center for the manufacturing industry. Its aim is to contribute to the technological development of the vehicles, machines and factories of the future. Flanders Make has more than 700 researchers who work together in a unique community on a common industrial research agenda.

Flanders Make stimulates open innovation through qualitative research, offers tailor-made innovation for product validation and optimization and a test and validation infrastructure for testing and validating products and production.

Food Tech Brainport has started the Cotemaco initiative in collaboration with 7 partners in North-West Europe. Cotemaco aims to stimulate SMEs to implement collaborative robotics and digital technologies. It includes 4 field labs of which Flanders Make is one. As a leading partner, she plays an important role in project management, project communication and conducting feasibility studies.

Flanders Make

Cooperation with FTB:

The Flanders Make research center is deployed within the Cotemaco project. Flanders Make is one of the cooperation partners within this project.

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