
Carezzo develops and markets protein-rich products. In doing so, they offer an effective solution to the problem of malnutrition. Malnutrition is a problem, especially among the growing group of older people. More food is usually not possible. That is why Carezzo offers basic nutrition with added protein. Carezzo’s offer consists of bread and pastries, fruit drinks, vegetable soup, ice cream and meals.

The challenge is always to add as much protein as possible to regular and trusted products while retaining taste and texture. The added protein is of high quality and contains all essential amino acids. For the careful composition of recipes, we collaborate with nutritionists, dieticians and knowledge centers such as the European Bakery Innovation Center (EBIC), NIZO Research and Wageningen University.

Carezzo is one of the residents of our building, so they can make optimal use of the Food Tech Community. For example, part of their range is pascalized at Pascal Processing, one of the other residents of the building.


Cooperation with FTB:

Food Tech Brainport has contributed to the development of the product lines and has linked Carezzo to technology providers.

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