AAE is groundbreaking in technology and a close-knit family business in Helmond. Since their foundation in 1976, they have grown into an advanced high-tech machine builder with an international reputation. With more than 400 talented employees, they design and manufacture products across 2 business lines: Production Automation and Advanced Systems.
Every 'high-end' solution from AAE seamlessly matches the wishes and needs of their customers and also ensures that they can produce smarter, faster, more efficiently and cheaper. This offers a significant (competitive) advantage within the industry in which the customer operates. Moreover, as a system provider, AAE is able to integrate the latest technologies into existing machine concepts. This enables them to make an important contribution to products and solutions that make the world a bit smarter, more innovative, beautiful, sustainable, safer and simply more fun.
Since June 2021, AAE BV has been part of our Supervisory Board. In terms of mission and vision, AAE fits very well with the objectives that we as Food Tech Brainport want to achieve in the field of food innovation. The affiliation of a party such as AAE enables us to optimally support entrepreneurs with issues related to technology.





Cooperation with FTB:

Sinds juni 2021 maakt AAE BV onderdeel uit van onze Raad van Commissarissen. De aanhaking van een partij als AAE stelt ons in staat om ondernemers optimaal te ondersteunen met vraagstukken rondom technologie.

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