1-2 Taste

1-2-Taste is the world’s first platform that allows all food & beverages companies to have easy access to food & beverage ingredients: Easy to find, easy to select and easy to order. Whether looking for regular ingredients, innovative ingredients or innovation support, 1-2-Taste is the partner, bringing together food ingredients and services to support food manufacturers.

1-2-Taste is the partner platform for members of Food Tech Brainport to find and order food and beverage ingredients. Members can find ingredients here in smaller packagings to bulk quantities, but also samples. Easily ordered and quickly delivered. For this, 1-2-Taste uses its network of now 65 producers of food ingredients.

1-2-Taste is also the partner for the marketing of (new) ingredients, produced by members of Food Tech Brainport.

1-2 Taste

Cooperation with FTB:

1-2-Taste is the world’s first platform that allows all food & beverages companies to have easy access to food & beverage ingredients: Easy to find, easy to select and easy to order. Whether looking for regular ingredients, innovative ingredients or innovation support, 1-2-Taste is the partner, bringing together food ingredients and services to support food manufacturers. 

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